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Assembly Beyond Borders

Connecting ideas | exchanging strategies | facilitating innovation | exploring limits

Changing societal challenges require universities to continuously reconsider their role and innovate their propositions to meet future generationsneeds.

CACE is an event series that offers a transdisciplinary platform and connects international academics, experts, and visionaries discussing the future of academic continuing education.

In a yearly digital assembly, participants are brought together beyond borders. New ideas, developments and research findings are shared and discussed. A focus is placed on role concepts, teaching content, organizational models, and financing of continuing education studies. CACE workshops offer the opportunity to co-develop new projects, form new international connections, and intensify collaboration in research, teaching, and management.

Words from the Initiator

„Institutions that offer academic continuing education play a crucial role in addressing societal challenges. If we want to offer future generations what they need in order to solve future problems, we will have to anticipate their needs and reinvent our own propositions. Let's be bold, let's take the initiative, and think about how to shape the future of continuous learning at universities.“

Mag. Friedrich Faulhammer
Rector University for Continuing Education Krems

FAQs Titelbild

What does CACE stand for?

Where does the yearly CACE assembly take place?

Costs of the event?

Who is the organizer of the event?

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