Open Source Sensor Hardware
- Designed and developed within scientific projects
- Focus on reliable hardware components as well as accurate sensors
- Schematics, layout and production data created in Open Source EDA tool
- Sample code for bring-up and demo applications
- Supported by comprehensive documentation
Technology / Sensors / Network
- Low-power but nevertheless performant microcontroller platform
- Wide range of supported sensor interfaces (e.g. I2C, SPI, RS485, analog)
- Set of supported sensors easily extendable
- Multiple supported communication technologies including LPWAN (LoRaWAN)
- Suitable for isolated sensors as well as meshed and cloud solutions
- Support for battery operation including charging and energy harvesting electronics
Applications Examples
Smart Communities
Smart Home
Cultural Heritage
Environmental Monitoring
Contact and Licensing
Open science content was created within the following projects and activities:
- Dataskop co-funded by the country of Lower Austria