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Czaika, M.; Weisner, Z. (2025). Migration aspirations and their realisation: a configurational driver analysis of 26 African and Asian research areas. Comparative Migration Studies, 13(8):

Tsourdi, L.; Zardo, F. (2025). Migration Governance Through Funding: Theoretical, Normative, and Empirical Perspectives. Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, 2025:

Zardo, F. (2025). Following AENEAS’ Route: Unpacking Two Decades ofMigration-Related Measures in EU Development Funds. Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, 2025:

Schreier, S. (2024). From Policy to Reality: Examining the Rippling Effects of Return Migration Governance in Nigeria. International Migration Review, online first:

Rodrigues-Pena, N. (2024). The strength of migration and stay aspirations: understanding harmonious, conflicting and indeterminate aspirations. Comparative Migration Studies, 12: 42

Wolff. S.; Zardo, F. (2024). The role of sub-national actors in coordinative Europeanisation: insights from the digitalisation of asylum services. Comparative European Politics, online:

Weisner, Z.; Vidal, P.; Kraler, A.; Czaika, M. (2024). Trust in Transit: External Migration Control and Migrants’ Perceptions of Humanitarian Borderwork in the Sahel. International Migration Review, 0: 0

Neubauer, J. (2024). Book Review: Mobility Economies in Europe's Borderlands. International Migration Review, 0(0): 1-3

Neubauer, J. (2024). Envisioning futures at new destinations: geographical imaginaries and migration aspirations of Nepali migrants moving to Malta. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 0(0): 1-20

Czaika, M.; Bohnet, H.; Zardo, F.; Bijak, J. (2024). European migration governance in the context of uncertainty. International Migration, 26 July 2024:

Dück, E.; Weisner, Z.; Thevenin, E. (2024). Female, Deserving, and European? The Changing EUropean Migration Discourse in the Face of the Russia–Ukraine War. Politische Vierteljahresschrift (PVS), (0):

Czaika, M.; Bohnet, H.; Zardo, F. (2024). Categorical and spatial interlinkages within the European migration policy mix. European Union Politcs, Volume 25(1): 173-196

Safi, A. A.; Czaika, M. (2024). The transnational engagement of Afghan diaspora organizations: Drivers of diaspora specialization. Global Networks, Volume 25 Issue 1:

Almasri, S. (2023). Accessible vs Applicable Policies? A Discussion on Calculated Informality of Afghan Migrants in Turkey. Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, 1:

Soto Nishimura, A.; Czaika, M. (2023). Exploring Migration Determinants: a Meta-Analysis of Migration Drivers and Estimates. Journal of International Migration and Integration, Oktober 2023:

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