Assoz. Prof. Mag. Andrea De Luna, PhD
+43 2732 893-5504
Zum Kontaktformular
Campus Krems, Trakt C, 3. Stock, C 3.14
- Universität für Weiterbildung Krems
- Zentrum für Regenerative Medizin
- Dr.-Karl-Dorrek-Straße 30
- 3500 Krems
- Österreich
Projekte (Auszug Forschungsdatenbank)
Laufende Projekte
Projektzeitraum: 01.10.2024–31.03.2028
Projektverantwortung (Universität für Weiterbildung Krems): Andrea De Luna
Fördergeber: FWF
Projektzeitraum: 01.06.2024–31.05.2027
Projektverantwortung (Universität für Weiterbildung Krems): Andrea De Luna
Fördergeber: Bundesländer (inkl. deren Stiftungen und Einrichtungen)
Abgeschlossene Projekte
Extracellular vesicles from Hoffa´s fat pad- a new strategy for cartilage regeneration
Projektzeitraum: 01.03.2020–28.02.2023
Projektverantwortung (Universität für Weiterbildung Krems): Andrea De Luna
Fördergeber: Bundesländer (inkl. deren Stiftungen und Einrichtungen)
Förderprogramm: Life Science Call NFB
The Role of Microvesicles from Blood Derived Products in Osteoarthritis
Projektzeitraum: 01.01.2018–29.02.2020
Projektverantwortung (Universität für Weiterbildung Krems): Andrea De Luna
Fördergeber: Bundesländer (inkl. deren Stiftungen und Einrichtungen)
Förderprogramm: Technologieförderung NÖ
Durchführbarkeitsstudie des Serumisolators hypACT
Projektzeitraum: 02.05.2017–31.05.2017
Projektverantwortung (Universität für Weiterbildung Krems): Andrea De Luna
Fördergeber: Unternehmen
Förderprogramm: ---
Identification of novel treatment options for osteoarthritis
Projektzeitraum: 05.11.2012–30.04.2016
Projektverantwortung (Universität für Weiterbildung Krems): Stefan Nehrer
Fördergeber: Bundesländer (inkl. deren Stiftungen und Einrichtungen)
Förderprogramm: Life Science Call NFB
Publikationen (Auszug Forschungsdatenbank)
Otahal, A.; Kramer, K.; Neubauer, M.; Gulová, S.; Lacza, Z.; Nehrer, S.; De Luna, A. (2024). Culture of Hoffa fat pad mesenchymal stem/stromal cells on microcarrier suspension in vertical wheel bioreactor for extracellular vesicle production. Stem Cell Research and Therapy, 15: https://doi.org/10.1186/s13287-024-03681-9
Pasztorek, M.; Fischer, J.; Otahal, A.; de Luna, A.; Nehrer, S.; Rosser, J. (2024). Exploring Osteoarthritis Dynamics: Patient-Specific Cartilage Samples in an Organ-on-a-Chip Model. Cartilage, Sept: 10
Neubauer, M.; Otahal, A.; Kuten, S.; Sherman, S.L.; Moser, L.; Kramer K.; DeLuna, A.; Neugebauer, J.; Dammerer, D.; Muellner, T.; Nehrer, S. (2023). Infra-patellar fat pad-derived mesenchymal stem cells maintain their chondrogenic dif-ferentiation potential after arthroscopic harvest with blood-product supplementation. Int Orthop., 30: doi: 10.1007/s00264-023-05930-7
Otahal, A.; De Luna, A.; Mobasheri, A.; Nehrer, S. (2023). Extracellular Vesicle Isolation and Characterization for Applications in Cartilage Tissue Engineering and Osteoarthritis Therapy. In: Humana Press, Cartilage Tissue Engineering: 123-140, Springer Protocols, United States of America
Otahal, A.; Tischer, T.; De Luna, A.; Nehrer, S. (2023). Plättchenreiches Plasma und andere Blutprodukte – neue Forschungsaspekte zur Wirkung von Blutderivaten und klinische Ergebnisse bei Gonarthrose. Knie Journal, 5(3): 142–149, Springer
Kuten-Pella, O.; De Luna, A.; Kramer, K.; Neubauer, M.; Nehrer, S.; Lacza, Z. (2021). Regenerative Potential of Blood-Derived Products in 3D Osteoarthritic Chondrocyte Culture System. Curr Issues Mol Biol, 43(2): 665-675
Olmos Calvo, I.; Kuten-Pella, O.; Kramer, K.; Madár, À.; Takács, S.; Kardos, D.; Simon, D.; Erdö-Bonyár, S.; Berki, T.; De Luna, A.; Nehrer, S.; Lacza Z. (2021). Optimization of Lyophilized Hyperacute Serum (HAS) as a Regenerative Therapeutic in Osteoarthritis. Int J Mol Sci, 22 (14): 7496
Otahal, A.; Kramer, K.; Kuten-Pella, O.; Moser, L.; Neubauer, M.; Lacza,Z.; Nehrer, S.; De Luna, A. (2021). Effects of Extracellular Vesicles from Blood-Derived Products on Osteoarthritic Chondrocytes within an Inflammation Model. Int J Mol Sci., 22(13): 7224
Otahal, A.; Kuten-Pella, O.; Kramer, K.; Neubauer, M.; Lacza, Z.; Nehrer, S.; De Luna, A. (2021). Functional repertoire of EV-associated miRNA profiles after lipoprotein depletion via ultracentrifugation and size exclusion chromatography from autologous blood products. Sci Rep., 12;11(1): 5823
De Luna, A.; Otahal, A.; Nehrer, S. (2020). Mesenchymal Stromal Cell-Derived Extracellular Vesicles - Silver Linings for Cartilage Regeneration? Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 8:593386: 10.3389/fcell.2020.593386
Otahal, A.; Kramer, K.; Kuten-Pella, O.; Weiss, R.; Stotter, C.; Lacza, Z.; Weber, V.; Nehrer, S.; De Luna, A. (2020). Characterization and chondroprotective effects of extracellular vesicles from plasma- and serum-based autologous blood-derived products for osteoarthritis therapy. Front Bioeng Biotechnol, Sep 25: 584050
Kuten, O.; Simon, M.; Hornyák, I.; De Luna-Preitschopf, A.; Nehrer, S.; Lacza, Z. (2018). The Effects of Hyperacute Serum on Adipogenesis and Cell Proliferation of Mesenchymal Stromal Cells. Tissue Engineering Part A, Vol. 24, No. 11-12: doi: 10.1089/ten.TEA.2017.0384
De Luna-Preitschopf, A.; Zwickl, H.; Nehrer, S.; Hengstschläger, M.; Mikula, M. (2017). Rapamycin Maintains the Chondrocytic Phenotype and Interferes with Inflammatory Cytokine Induced Processes. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 18(7): doi:10.3390/ijms18071494
Preitschopf, A.; Schörghofer, D.; Kinslechner, K.; Schütz, B.; Zwickl, H.; Rosner, M.; Joó, J.G.; Nehrer, S; Hengstschläger, M; Mikula, M. (2016). Rapamycin-Induced Hypoxia Inducible Factor 2A Is Essential for Chondrogenic Differentiation of Amniotic Fluid Stem Cells. Stem Cells Translational Medicine: 580-90
Schörghofer, D.; Kinslechner, K.; Preitschopf, A.; Schütz, B.; Röhrl, C.; Hengstschläger, M.; Stangl, H.; Mikula, M. (2015). The HDL receptor SR-BI is associated with human prostate cancer progression and plays a possible role in establishing androgen independence . Reprod Biol Endocrinol, Vol. 13, No. 88
Üstün, S.; Lassnig, C.; Preitschopf, A.; Mikula, M.; Müller, M.; Hengstschläger, M.; Weichhart, T. (2015). Effects of the mTOR inhibitor everolimus and the PI3K/mTOR inhibitor NVP-BEZ235 in murine acute lung injury models. Transplantation Immunology: 45-50
Üstün, S.; Lassnig, C.; Preitschopf, A.; Mikula, M.; Müller, M.; Hengstschläger, M.; Weichhart, T. (2015). Effects of the mTOR inhibitor everolimus and the PI3K/mTOR inhibitor NVP-BEZ235 in murine acute lung injury models. Transpl Immunol.
Preitschopf, A.; Zwickl, H.; Schörghofer, D.; Kinslechner, K.; Schütz, B.; Rosner, M.; Joo, G.J.; Hengstschläger, M.; Nehrer, S.; Mikula, M. (2015). Rapamycin enhances Sox9 Expression during Chondrogenic Differentiation of Amniotic Fluid Stem Cells. Tissue Engineering Part A, September 2015, Volume 21, Supplement 1: 192
Preitschopf, A.; Zwickl, H.; Schörghofer, D.; Kinslechner, K.; Schütz, B.; Rosner, M.; Joó, J.; Hengstschläger, M.; Nehrer, S.; Mikula, M. (2015). Rapamycin enhances SOX9 expression during chondrogenic differentiation of amniotic fluid stem cells. Tissue Engineering Part A: 192-93
Preitschopf, A.; Li, K.; Schörghofer, D.; Kinslechner, K.; Schütz, B.; Thi Thanh Pham, H.; Rosner, M.; Joo, G.; Röhrl, C.; Weichhart, T.; Stangl, H.; Lubec, G.; Hengstschläger, M.; Mikula, M. (2014). mTORC1 is essential for early steps during Schwann cell differentiation of amniotic fluid stem cells and regulates lipogenic gene expression. Plos One
Vorträge (Auszug Forschungsdatenbank)
Larger-scale enrichment of extracellular vesicles of Hoffa-derived adipose MSCs from dynamic microcarrier suspension culture in vertical wheel bioreactor
OARSI World Congress, 18.04.2024
Extracellular vesicles from Hoffa Fat Pad derived MSC - silver linings for cartilage repair?
Jahrestagung des Vienna Center for Engineering in Medicine, 13.12.2023
Extracellular vesicles from Hoffa Fat Pad derived mesenchymal stem cells – friends or foe?
Webinar of the Italian Society of Stem Cells, 04.07.2023
Extracellular vesicles from Hoffa Fat Pad MSCs favor the osteoarthritic phenotype of chondrocytes
Annual Meeting of the Austrian Cluster of Tissue Regeneration, 03.05.2023
Extracellular vesicles in blood derived products
ICRS World Congress, 12.04.2023
Isolation and culture of Hoffa-derived adipose MSCs for extracellular vesicle production in a vertical wheel bioreactorÖGMBT W
ÖGMBT Workshop „Advanced Cell Culture Technologies", 17.03.2023
Extracellular vesicles from blood derived products for cartilage repair
ASEV/GSEV Joint Meeting, 28.10.2022
Extracellular Vesicles in Blood-Derived Products for Cartilage Repair? - a status report
Annual Meeting of the Austrian Cluster of Tissue Regeneration, 27.04.2022
Extracellular Vesicles in Blood-Derived Products for Cartilage Repair
ICRS World Congress, 14.04.2022
Effects of extracellular vesicles from blood derivatives on osteoarthritic chondrocytes
ASEV/GSEV Joint Meeting, Freising, Deutschland, 28.11.2019
Anti-coagulation influences properties of extracellular vesicles isolated from autologous blood derived products used for cartilage repair
World Congress of the International cartilage repair and joint preservation society, Vancouver, Kanada, 08.10.2019
Current Trends in Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering
BioArt Workshop, Krems, Österreich, 03.06.2019
Coagulation influences properties of extracellular vesicles isolated from autologous blood derived products
TERMIS EU Chapter, Rhodos, Griechenland, 28.05.2019
Blood derived products contain extracellular vesicles with distinct biological properties for regenerative approaches
Word Congress of the International Society of Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV), Kyoto, Japan, 25.04.2019
Die Rolle von extrazellulärem Vesikeln aus Blutprodukten in der Osteoarthrose
Technopol Frühstück, Krems,Österreich, 20.03.2019
Different production technology of blood derived products influences differentiation pathway of various cell populations
World Congress of the International Society of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (TERMIS), Kyoto, Japan, 07.09.2018
Different production technology of blood derived products influences differentiation pathway of various cell populations
Gordon Research Conference on Extracellular Vesicles, Newry, USA, 21.08.2018
Different production technology of blood derived products influences differentiation pathway of various cell populations
14. World congress of the International cartilage repair society (ICRS) , Macau, China, 12.04.2018
Inhibierung des mTORC1 Signalweges erhält den chondrogenen Phönotyp von OA Chondrozyten
32. Jahreskongress der GOTS, 24.06.2017
Rapamycin preserves the chondrogenic phenotype and supresses cartilage degrading and inflammatory processes in Osteoarthritis
OARSI 2017 World Congress, 28.04.2017