Virtual worlds that combine the internet and the real world in an interactive environment: that’s the Metaverse, the internet of the future. It is a place for people to come together to hold meetings with colleagues, shop, play games, or attend concerts. Experiences in the Metaverse are meant to feel like real life, with technologies such as virtual and augmented reality playing a significant role. How could „La Métaversité“ also be beneficial in continuing education? Thierry Koscielniak addressed this question in his presentation at the third event of „Crossroads in Academic Continuing Education“ (CACE). Koscielniak is the Chief Digital Officer at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM) in Paris and an expert in virtual and augmented reality.
CNAM, one of the most prestigious universities in France, is dedicated specifically to continuing education, with over 80% of its students being professionals. According to the motto „Omnes docet ubique“ (education for all, everywhere), CNAM supports 52,000 learners worldwide, which „brings specific challenges when it comes to distance learning,“ says Koscielniak.
In collaboration with industry partners, CNAM founded the association „France Immersive Learning.“ Within this framework, research is conducted on how new technologies can be used for educational purposes. One application, for example, is the use of 360-degree images that allow virtual visits to a technical laboratory. Koscielniak is particularly proud of the digital twin of a real chemistry lab. Those who enter the physical lab afterwards experience a sense of déjà vu, which speaks to the effectiveness of the experience. The virtual lab provides additional capacity and enables experiments that would be too dangerous in reality. In addition to the chemistry lab, there are also „immersive twins“ for an aircraft, an electric car, and a nuclear power plant.
Koscielniak also touched upon current and future developments. He shared his experiences with virtual workspaces that impressed the experts. Engage, an Irish company, offers such virtual spaces for teaching and learning. Through the platform, it is also possible to virtually participate in the Mars landing of the NASA rover Perseverance. Regarding the Metaverse, Koscielniak predicts a development similar to the internet: there will not be „one“ Metaverse but many, comparable to today’s websites.
About Thierry Koscielniak

Thierry Koscielniak, Ph.D. is Chief Digital Officer at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers in Paris (Le Cnam). Le Cnam is the only public Higher Education institution dedicated to lifelong learning in France and is therefore deeply involved in distance online courses. The Cnam National Digital Office @LeCnamDN1 is in charge of the implementation of courses digitalization and MOOC production. As an expert in EdTech in Higher Education, Thierry keeps a technological watch and carries out research on digital learning and currently on the pedagogical uses of virtual reality and augmented reality. On behalf of Le Cnam, he is one of the founder of the France Immersive Learning skills centre and vice-president of 3FOD, the French forum for digital learning stakeholders.
He is presently steering at Cnam the JENII project: Immersive and Interactive Digital Twins for Education.
He is involved in associations of IT professionals for Higher Education: in France he is a member of the Board of CSIESR. In Europe he is Board Officer of EUNIS, and was chairman of the EUNIS 2018 congress organizing committee. Worldwide he is a member of Karuta Open Source Portfolio Governing Board and deeply involved in the EDUCAUSE XR Community of Practice.
Thierry completed his PhD in computational chemistry and molecular design at Sorbonne University in Paris (UPMC; Pierre et Marie Curie).