The project builds partnerships between the sectors and develops cooperation between the universities and public and non-governmental organizations in the region.
The project builds on the needs of an international dimension - to motivate students to civic engagement and enable teachers to support the social role of higher education institutions (HEIs).
Main objectives:
- to strengthen the capacities of HEIs related to the fulfilment of their third mission
- to enhance civic engagement of students through implementation of service-learning
- to improve the quality and relevance of study offered in the field of implementation of service-learning strategy in higher education
- Teacher training about service-learning and handbook for trainers
- Handbook for teachers
- Recommendations for the implementation of service-learning in higher education and examples of good practices
- International conference Spring 2020
Project partners:
- Matej Bel University, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia (coordinator)
- Universitatea Babes Bolyai, Romania
- Univerzita Palackeho, Olomouc, Czech Republic
- Sveuciliste u Rijeci, Filozofsky Fakultet u Rijeci, Croatia
- Universitaet fuer Weiterbildung Krems, Austria
- Katholische Universitat Eichstatt – Ingolstadt, Germany
Associated partners:
- Center for the Development of Learning Service in Latin America, Argentina
- International Association “Open Interactive School” Non-profit organization, Bosna Herzegovina (associated partner)
Projektzeitraum | 01.09.2017 - 31.05.2020 |
Fördergeber | EU |
Förderprogramm | ERASMUS+ |
Department | |
Projektverantwortung (Universität für Weiterbildung Krems) | Univ.-Prof. Dkfm. Dr. habil Attila Pausits |
Projektmitarbeit |
Mag. Dr. Magdalena Fellner, MSc
Florian Reisky, M.A. MA
Gregorová, A. B.; Matulayová, T.; Tkadlcíková, L.; Vodsedalek, V.; Rusu, A. S.; Costea-Barlutiu, C.; Fellner, M.; Pausits, A.; Reisky, F.; Ilic, B. C.; Jelenc, L.; Sporer, T.; Kohn, T.; Kurcíková, K.; Sabo, R.; Šavrnochová, M.; Šolcová, J.; Nemcová, L.; Heinzová, Z. (2020). Recommendations for Promoting and Strengthening Service-learning in European Higher Education. Project SLIHE, Rijeka
Gregorová, A. B.; Matulayová, T.; Tkadlcíková, L.; Vodsedalek, V.; Rusu, A. S.; Costea-Barlutiu, C.; Pausits, A.; Reisky, F.; Ilic, B. C.; Jelenc, L.; Sporer, T.; Husterer, I.; Svidronová, M. M.; Kubealaková, M.; Bariaková, Z.; Šolcová, J.; Nemcová, L.; Heinzová, Z.; Rovnanová, L. (2020). Service-Learning for Teachers in Higher Education Institutions. Argonaut, Cluj-Napoca
Brozmanová Gregorová, A.; Matulayová, T.; Tkadlcíková, L.; Vodsedalek, V.; Rusu, A. S.; Costea-Barlu$iu, C.; Pausits, A.; Reisky, F.; Culum, B.; Jelenc, L.; Sporer, T.; Husterer, I.; Svidronová, M. M.; Kubealaková, M.; Bariaková, Z.; Šolcová, J.; Nemcová, L.; Heinzová, Z.; Rovnanová, L. (2019). Teacher training in service-learning. Manual for trainers. 1. Edition, Matej Bel University Press, Banská Bystrica
Enhancing the sustainability of Service Learning projects
International online Konferenz “What does it mean to be(come) an engaged university?”, 15.07.2020
Third mission aspects in higher education - the case of Austria
Service Learning in Higher Education, Vortrag bei Public Seminar zum Projektstart, 24.10.2017