ICCS 2020 - Workshop: "Cybercrime in the field of game-studies"
The Center for Applied Game Studies at Donau-Universität Krems is partner of the 6th International Conference on Cyber Security and Privacy in Communication Networks (ICCS) 2020, where we are responsible for the workshop "Cybercrime in the field of game-studies", which takes place December 27th, one day before the actual conference. See: http://iccs.iaasse.org/workshops.html
You can actively participate with a talk and paper. See the Special Call below and submit via: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iccs20203
It is planned that accepted papers will be published in the following journal: https://www.springer.com/journal/42979
If you are only interested in giving a 15 minute talk without an accompanying paper, please send a short abstract to alexander.pfeiffer@donau-uni.ac.at.
Registration for the conference is necessary in both cases.
Special Call: Short Track on Game!Crime?
The digital games sector, and in particular the online and mobile games segment, is growing steadily. Even now, during the Covid 19 crisis, the digital games industry is perceived as one of the few winning industries. But as always, when it comes to people and huge monetary values, the door is wide open for fraudulent activities. These include, but are not limited to
- Avatar and identity theft
- Theft and misuse of credit card data
- Theft and misuse of virtual goods
- Setup of a pirate server
- Terrorism planning through game chats
- Money Laundering
- Distributed Denial of Service (DDos) attacks via a game
- Sex offences and grooming in game chats
- Mobbing and insulting offences
The short track of Game!Crime? wants to discuss what kind of crimes and fraudulent activities occur in digital game environments. How can the industry (game developers, publishers, etc.) react and last but not least how can players be protected? Furthermore, how can new technological approaches such as AI or Blockchain help to protect stakeholders?
The chairs of the short track are:
- Alexander Pfeiffer (The MIT Education Arcade; Danube-University Krems)
- Alexiei Dingli (University of Malta)
- Thomas-Gabriel Rüdiger (Hochschule der Polizei des Landes Brandenburg)
- Natalie Denk (Danube-University Krems).
You are cordially invited to submit your proposal for a paper for this track and/or a presentation.
Participant Registration
For more information on the conference and registration as participant and/or speaker see: http://iccs.iaasse.org/register.html#Registration