Aktuelle Veranstaltungen
Veranstaltungen (Webinare)/Events (webinars) des Joseph von Sonnenfels‐Center 2024
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Webinare Herbst/Winter 2024/25
Beginn jeweils 18:30 Uhr, Dauer 90 Minuten
Termin | Thema | Team |
Di 11.11.2024 | The Law and Economics of Mutual Fund - Regulation Revisited |
Referat: Armin Kammel |
Di 21.01.2025 | Vernachlässigte Gestaltungselemente in der Gesetzgebung: Der „cheapest cost avoider |
Referat: Wolfgang Weigel |
Wir werden uns freuen Sie begrüßen zu dürfen!
It will be our pleasure to welcome you!
Vergangene Veranstaltungen
Dienstag, 29. Oktober 2024
Staatsbürgerschaft: Auslaufmodell, Chauvinismus oder Grundvoraussetzung
Referent: Wolfgang Weigel
Kommentar: Armin Kammel
Beginn 18.30 Uhr (90 Minuten)
Dienstag, 24. September 2024
Rechtskonformität als Feind der Effizienz von Rechtsnormen?
[ascertaining the truth in trials – options and limitations]
Referent: Wolfgang Weigel
Kommentar: Armin Kammel
Beginn 18.30 Uhr (90 Minuten)
Dienstag, 9.April 2024
Effiziente Wahrheitsfindung im Gerichtsverfahren – Möglichkeiten und Grenzen
[ascertaining the truth in trials – options and limitations]
Referent: Wolfgang Weigel
Kommentar: Armin Kammel
Beginn 18.30 Uhr (90 Minuten)
Weitere Veranstaltungen in Krems/Wien sind in Planung; more events, Krems or Vienna based ‐ are projected
Externe Veranstaltungen
Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Recht und Ökonomie
Und der Französischen Vereinigung zur Ökonomie des Rechts
German Law and Economics Association (GLEA) glea.de
Dear friends of law and economics,
A preliminary program for GLEA 2024, the annual meeting of the German Law & Economics Association, is now online (subject to change).
The conference will take place at the Institute of Law and Economics of Hamburg University on July 18–19, 2024. One day before the conference, on July 17, GLEA offers an introductory workshop on Experimental Methods in Law & Economics.
The registration deadline for attendees not presenting a paper is June 18, 2024. You need to register at https://glea2024.sciencesconf.org/ and pay the conference fee. You may also choose to participate in the workshop only, without attending the conference, at a modest fee of €15. The workshop-only registration form is here.
We would be delighted to welcome you to the beautiful city of Hamburg.
Andreas Engert & Roee Sarel
(on behalf of GLEA and the local organizers)
Association Française d'Économie du Droit (AFED)
The 9th conference of the Association Française d'Économie du Droit (AFED) will take place in Paris on December 12 and 13, 2024. It will be organized by the CRED laboratory at the University of Paris Panthéon Assas. You will find the call for papers in the attachment (French and English versions).
The deadline for submission of papers is July 10, 2024.
Please do not hesitate to circulate the information in your networks.
Yours sincerely
The AFED team
9th Annual Conference of the French Association of Law and Economics
Université Paris Panthéon Assas and the Centre de Recherche en Économie du Droit (CRED) are pleased to host the 9th annual conference of the French Association of Law and Economics (AFED), which will take place on December 12 and 13, 2024
The aim of the conference is to provide a forum for discussion and exchange for all researchers and practitioners interested in themes that can be analyzed
through a multidisciplinary approach in Law and Economics.
All submissions in Law and Economics focusing on original research presentations or on concrete issues faced by various legal practitioners are welcome.
Parallel sessions, as well as plenary sessions and round tables, will be held in both French and English.
Lewis A. Kornhauser (New York University) will be the conference's keynote speaker.
Two papers will be selected for publication in the special European Association issue of the European Journal of Law and Economics.