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Universität für Weiterbildung Krems
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Over fifteen years, it has become increasingly clear that the governance of climate mobilities is inherently vertically and horizontally complex, being highly relevant not only for multiple governance scales, but also across different thematic governance silos. How people moving in the context of climate change fit within these complex governance structures, and how these structures should be amended or added to in order to better account for the dual challenges of climate change and people moving have therefore become lively debates across a range of disciplines, including but not limited to (international) law, political science, and geography. We invite contributions that consider how climate mobilities are being integrated into diverent governance frameworks at all levels of governance and encourage papers that take on a multi-level governance perspective.
Die Plattform für Nachhaltige Entwicklung (SDGs) der Universität für Weiterbildung Krems lud zu einem Vortrag des renommierten Künstlers Lois Hechenblaikner. Seit rund 30 Jahren hält der vielfach ausgezeichnete Fotograf Lois Hechenblaikner dem alpinen Massentourismus einen schonungslosen Spiegel vor. Mit dem präzisen Blick eines Kulturanthropologen dokumentiert er in seinen Bildern und Fotobüchern die tiefgreifenden Veränderungen der Alpenlandschaft – vom exzessiven Après-Ski bis hin zum ökologischen Raubbau. Seine Werke sind gleichermaßen provokant wie aufrüttelnd und werfen zentrale Fragen zur sozialen und ökologischen Verantwortung im Umgang mit dem alpinen Raum auf.
On Tuesday, February 18, 2025, the University Krems, in cooperation with the Secession and the Stadtkino im Künstlerhaus, hosted the Austrian premiere of “The Dam”, the latest feature film by award-winning filmmaker Ali Cherri. Following the screening, the artist participated in a discussion, responding to questions from the moderators and the audience.
Die Universität für Weiterbildung Krems wurde mit dem Diversitas-Hauptpreis 2024 und dem Sustainability Award 2024 in Gold ausgezeichnet
On 5th June 2024 our cooperation partner, the Austrian Institute for International Affairs - oiip, celebrated their 45th anniversary at Vienna City Hall. Over the past 45 years, the institute has grown into Austria’s leading institution on international politics and a key player in policy-relevant research. As such, the Platform for Sustainable Development (SDGs) & Research Lab Society in Transition is proud to cooperate with the Austrian Institute for International Affairs in our key areas of science to policy communication and International and European policy. This formal cooperation is just one of the signs of friendship between the University for Continuing Education Krems (UWK) and the Austrian Institute for International Affairs- oiip, which also works closely with a range of departments, including the Department for Migration and Globalisation.
The Satellite Workshop Data-driven Magnetic Materials Design and Optimization will bring together experts from industry and academia. This event will feature contributions from both modellers and experimentalists in the field of magnetic materials.
Anlässlich des „World Water Day“ findet am 21.03.2025 in Venedig (auch online) in Kooperation mit UNESCO, CEI und IDM eine Veranstaltung zur Rolle der Wissenschaftsdiplomatie in der Wasserversorgung statt. Die Veranstaltung beleuchtet zukünftige Herausforderungen im Wassermanagement und in der Wasserversorgung und untersucht, wie die Wissenschaftsdiplomatie nachhaltige und gerechte Lösungen für globale Wasserfragen fördern kann.
The latest feature film “The Dam” by filmmaker Ali Cherri is set near the Merowe Dam in Sudan, one of the poorest countries in the world. The story revolves around Maher, a worker in a traditional brick factory that is fed by the waters of the Nile. Every evening, he secretly ventures into the desert to build a mysterious clay structure. As the Sudanese people rise up to demand their freedom, his creation slowly begins to take on a life of its own...
Reconstructing Sustainability for the 21st Century
In the urgent need of a proactive sustainability that detaches itself from mainstream ideas, we - the students from Erasmus Mundus program TISE - call for people to take action. We are bringing together stakeholders from public, research, enterprises and organizations to come to a critical approach, concerning global issues, and inter-challenging ideas on technologies, ecosystems and societies.
In Zeiten von Klimawandel und wachsender Weltbevölkerung gerät die Wasserversorgung unter Druck. Wie lässt sich die lebenswichtige Ressource langfristig sichern?